Oncology Therapy Courses

Our Oncology Massage, Holistic and Beauty Therapy Training Courses

Cancer is no longer a contraindication for holistic therapies, which can offer a number of benefits. Touch is helpful to people with cancer at all stages of their journey with their illness:

In the diagnosis stages 

Before or after an operation

Whilst having outpatient treatments

During chemotherapy or radiation

In the recovery period at home

When in remission or after cure

In the end stages of life 

It is important for therapists to understand what cancer is, its causes and effects, and the different medical treatments your clients may be offered. Each person will have their own needs, and therapy sessions may need to be adapted with different levels of pressure and appropriate techniques, as well as care with hygiene and comfortable positioning. 

Stress relief: Cancer and its treatment can be incredibly stressful, and holistic therapies like massage, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Pain management: Massage therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain for cancer patients. Other therapies like acupuncture and herbal supplements may also have pain-relieving effects.

Improved sleep: Many cancer patients struggle with insomnia or other sleep disturbances. Massage therapy and relaxation techniques may help improve sleep quality.

Boosted immune system: Certain herbal supplements and therapies like acupuncture may help support the immune system, which can be important for cancer patients whose immune systems may be compromised.

Improved quality of life: Overall, holistic therapies can help improve a patient's quality of life during cancer treatment. They can help reduce symptoms like pain and nausea, and promote feelings of relaxation and well-being.

It's important to note that not all holistic therapies are appropriate for all cancer patients, and it's important for your client to discuss any complementary therapies with their healthcare team before trying them. Some therapies may interact with medications or have potential side effects, so it's important for them to seek guidance and approval before treatment.