2-Day Oncology Body Massage Course

Body Massage For People With Cancer – A Gentle Approach

Massage for people with cancer, or in recovery, is a therapy much sought after by clients and their carers. Our 2-Day Oncology Body Massage Course is a practical course which will show you how to develop approaches and techniques that will enable you to offer appropriate and helpful massage sessions to support your clients in their cancer journey. 

It is important to approach each client as an individual, and to provide an appropriate treatment for them on the day, a bespoke treatment which meets their needs in an empathetic way. 

Course fee: £450 including your Face The World Product Box, below

During cancer treatment and recovery the body uses its energy to heal, and so it is important to offer techniques which help the healing process. A client may have enjoyed deep massage before their cancer journey, but this may not be helpful whilst they are in treatment and recovery as it can increase pain levels and leave them exhausted. The therapist may need to explain that at this time they may benefit from a new type of treatment using different techniques.

People on a cancer journey still need to cope with everyday life, and their ability to deal with the issues and demands everyone faces may be seriously affected by their health condition and the treatment they need. Cancer treatments can have unpleasant side effects such as fatigue and exhaustion, and this means that clients with cancer and in recovery may need to avoid stressors such as deep massage and vigorous exercise. 

This Oncology Body Massage course offers therapists three levels of treatment, and a menu of techniques you can mix and match to create truly bespoke massage sessions for your clients, whatever stage they are on in their cancer journey. 

The different techniques are introduced and practised on the first day of the course, and then there is plenty of time for students to role play, practise giving a comprehensive and sensitive consultation and work out a treatment plan. Students will give treatments which are truly bespoke and which offer empathetic support for clients on their cancer journey.

Before you book your practical days you will have completed the Online Core Oncology Theory module which will give you a good understanding of the issues therapists need to know about and consider when offering treatments to clients with cancer. After completing the course you will also have a good range of practical techniques to use creatively and empathically in bespoke massage treatments for clients on their cancer journey. 

Empatherapist | Oncology Body Massage, Holistic and Beauty Therapy Training Courses

Level One Techniques

offer gentle touch, energy work and breathwork. For some clients a combination of these is a good treatment, or they can be offered to start or end a session

Empatherapist | Oncology Body Massage, Holistic and Beauty Therapy Training Courses

Level Two Techniques

introduce hand, foot and head massage along with other gentle body work. These can be combined with Level One techniques to create a bespoke treatment for the client

Empatherapist | Oncology Body Massage, Holistic and Beauty Therapy Training Courses

Level Three Techniques

are full body massage movements that can be used to give a light or firm massage to suit the client’s needs. They can be combined with Level One and Two techniques to offer a treatment which is truly unique. 

Massage and touch therapies have important benefits:

Physical relaxation 

Mental relaxation and relief from stress, slowing the client down

Feeling of being nurtured

Consensual touch which fulfils the basic human need for physical contact 

Assists the parasympathetic nervous system 

Improves circulation and lymphatic drainage, bringing nutrition to the tissues and removing waste products more effectively 

Helps muscle tone and brings relaxation to muscles 

Can help with slower, deeper, more effective breathing 

Relieves anxiety and brings a feeling of calm 

Relief from pain